Bagua map

Feng Shui originates in China and has over 3000 years of history. The ancient Chinese people, powerful rich people, sought the best location for their living environments by studying nature that included land, mountains, rivers, weather, and the cosmos. They also comprehended the principle of natural environment for wealth and well-being into the smaller scale of structures, houses.

In short, they concluded that energy, “Chi” the Chinese word, was a fundamental power affecting our lives and living spaces. Energy is flowing anywhere and everywhere. This energy “Chi” can be positive or stagnated. Chi influences our environment and our inner self so that we adjust energy flow to benefit us.

The basic of harmony is the Yin-Yang duality. Often Yin and Yang are analyzed as two opposites but the two complement each other such as high and low, darkness and brightness, etc. There are mountains therefore there are valleys. Darkness needs light otherwise you do not see anything. At home, if you have items that are the Yin quality such as a soft material or rounded shape, you would like to complement them with items that have Yang quality such as a heavy material or pointed shape.  

The bagua map depicts your life aspirations in your home: Career, relations, family, wealth, travel, creativity, spiritual, and fame. Those life aspirations are distributed around the center which is often interpreted as health. Those life aspirations came from experience, examinations, and trial and error by people of the past.  

Technology has advanced dramatically and we enjoy it, but human feelings or emotions may not have evolved as much from people of the past. You may wish to have a good career or wealth, so did people of the past. The word of career or wealth that we use in our time may be different from the past, though.

Many feng shui consultants, including me, ask you questions about all areas of your life aspirations. It is because if you want to bring feng shui into your home you need to know what is happening to you. You would discover specific life aspirations have higher degrees of concerns or interests while other areas of life aspirations may be low degrees of concerns or interests. 

The beginning of the new year, you might want to examine the bagua map and your life aspirations. And, create positive Chi flow in your home!

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